Firefighters Respond to Wildfire south of Crown King

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October GCFD Board Meeting Agenda now Available

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September GCFD Board Meeting Agenda

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The ALECA K9 Conference will be conducting training at PRESCOTT PINES on Thursday the 25th starting at 5:00 PM.

If you have an emergency or concern to report you may use one of the following to contact an Law Enforcement representative. 928-237-0420 to speak with Yavapai College Police 928-237-0935 to speak with Prescott Pines officer … [Read more...]

Prescribed fire planned July 6 – July 20, 2024 on the Chino Valley Ranger District

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July GCFD Board Meeting Agenda

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Annual Groom Creek Fire District Friendly Pines Camp 4th of July Parade Potluck BBQ

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ADEQ Takes Immediate Action at Senator Mine

  PHOENIX (June 25, 2024) — The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is taking immediate remedial actions at Senator Mine to protect the Hassayampa River and ensure public safety. Senator Mine is located in Yavapai County, 11 miles … [Read more...]

The Prescott National Forest, Groom Creek FD, along with local partners, plan to enter Stage 1 Fire Restrictions June 6 at 8:00 a.m. 

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GCFD June Board Meeting Agenda

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