GCFD responds to Structure Fire in Loma Estates








On Wednesday June  27, at 3:59 pm firefighters from the Groom Fire District were dispatched to a structure fire in the Groom Creek subdivision of Loma Estates. Thanks to their quick response, GCFD personnel were able to keep the fire contained to the garage of the single family residence.

After the crew of E41 , Brennan Johnstone & Max Fitzmaurice had knocked down the fire, with water supplied by WT42 manned by Will Smith and Pete Kearn, Prescott Fire Department ‘s Engine 71 and Battalion Chief  Scott Luddeman assisted GCFD personnel with investigating the residence for any possible hidden heat or additional fire extension beyond the garage and in to the actual living space of the home. None was found.

Their were no injuries to the resident’s or their pets, and all firefighters returned home safely.